Commonly Used Terms
For easier reading, we may use acronyms to refer to off-road vehicles.
- OHRV: Off-Highway Recreational Vehicle. A two-, three-, or four-wheeled vehicle that has a motor and is designed for riding on unpaved surfaces. OHRVs are also commonly known as ORVs and OHVs.
- ATV: All-Terrain Vehicle. A type of OHRV with low-pressure, knobby tires designed for riding on unpaved surfaces. ATVs typically have four wheels. Three-wheeled ATVs are illegal in many states.
- OHM: Off-Highway Motorcycle. A type of motorcycle equipped for certain off-road sports. These motorcycles may or may not be “street-legal.”
- UTV: Utility Terrain Vehicle. A type of OHV where the driver and a passenger can sit side-by-side in the vehicle. They are most commonly known as UTVs (Utility Terrain Vehicle, Utility Task Vehicle, or just Utility Vehicle) or Side-by-Side Vehicles. UTVs are not designed for use on paved surfaces.
- Snowmobile: Vehicle with skis, belts, or cleats that is designed for riding on snow and ice.