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Course Outline

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  • Slow down and watch for others at night or in low-light conditions.
  • Exercise caution on overcast days.
  • Establish a point of reference when riding on large, open fields after dark. Estimating distances and direction of travel may be difficult.

Don’t Overdrive Your Headlights

ATV accidents occurring at night usually involve ATVs running into trees, rocks, fences, or other stationary objects. Typically, these objects come into view unexpectedly in your headlight beam. It’s important to drive slowly so that you have time to recognize the danger and react.

Never “overdrive your headlight.” You always should be able to stop within the length of the headlight beam. If the headlight suddenly reveals an obstacle, you should be able to stop before you hit it. An ATV high beam is effective for about 200 feet. To avoid a collision, travel slower than 30 mph because the stopping distance at this speed is about 180 feet.

  • Unit 4 of 8
  • Topic 2 of 4
  • Page 1 of 2