Types of OHVs
An off-highway vehicle (OHV) is any motorized land vehicle predominantly used for recreational purposes on unimproved roads, trails, and other approved use areas not suitable for conventional two-wheel-drive vehicular travel. As the term suggests, OHVs are generally not designed to operate on publicly maintained roads and highways as they are difficult to maneuver and increase the danger of an accident.
OHVs are designed specifically to be operated on unpaved surfaces. Their ability to navigate and traverse difficult and rough terrain makes OHVs a tremendously popular form of public recreation and an invaluable transportation tool for law enforcement and land management agencies across Arizona.
All-terrain vehicles (ATVs), off-highway motorcycles or dirt bikes, Utility Terrain Vehicles (UTVs or side-by-side vehicles), snowmobiles, and four-wheel-drive vehicles (such as jeeps and trucks) can all be defined as OHVs.
ATVs are four-wheeled motorized vehicles with an overall width of 48 inches or less designed for use exclusively on off-road terrain, primarily for a single rider. They’re powered by gasoline engines and equipped with four low-pressure tires, handlebars for steering, and a seat that is straddled by the rider.
Off-highway motorcycles are categorized by a number of off-road sports, the most notable being motocross, enduro, and dual-purpose.