Responsible ATV Riding
Everyone using the state's public lands should do their part to ensure that these lands remain available for future generations to enjoy. Many areas attract a variety of backcountry users; regardless of what mode of travel you may choose, remember that we all have a responsibility to the environment, to others, and to ourselves.
Responsible use of off-highway vehicles, OHV fund assistance to land managers, and respect for nature are the keys to the future of motorized recreation in Arizona. Please do your part and leave the land in the same or better condition than you found it.
Hikers, bicyclists, equestrians, and off-highway vehicle recreationists all have certain things in common, such as a love of the outdoors and the use of a motor vehicle to get where they are going. Knowing how to Tread Lightly!® with your vehicle is the responsibility of all operators.
Tread Lightly! is a registered trademark of Tread Lightly!, Inc.