Respecting Landowners and Residential Areas
Riding areas commonly occur near or adjacent to residential areas and on public lands, where privately created water structures and other developments occur. To prevent OHV site closures, demonstrate safe, ethical, and responsible behavior toward landowners and residential areas by following these simple tips:
- Leave the area as good as or better than you found it.
- Never litter. Always properly dispose of all trash, and carry out what you carry in. Carry an extra trash bag with you to pack out other people’s trash.
- Leave gates the way you find them—open, closed, or locked.
- Do not cut fences. They keep livestock confined.
- Stay out of waterholes and off the area surrounding them.
- Riding in these areas could effectively deny wildlife and livestock of the only water source available for miles.
- Riding on a waterhole’s berm also causes erosion and severe ruts that must be repaired to maintain the waterhole. Reconstructing the berms and repairing the bentonite clay lining is extremely costly, and you could face a hefty repair bill if you damage them!
- Do not deface or destroy signs—they are important for your safety.
- Do not trespass. Stay out of areas closed to OHV traffic.
- Be aware of your dust. Creating large amounts of dust near residential areas is a proven way to generate complaints that will lead to closures.
- Keep your OHV quiet—do not tamper with the manufacturer’s exhaust system.