Details About the OHV Decal
What does the new law do?
- It specifies OHV decal, title, license plate, and registration requirements.
- It specifies equipment requirements, including DOT–approved helmets for youth.
- It specifies regulations for safe, ethical, and responsible operation.
What is the OHV decal?
- The OHV decal is a sticker that must be purchased by residents and non-residents annually to operate an OHV legally within Arizona. Non-residents who own multiple OHVs must purchase a decal for each machine they own.
- It is not “registration.” Registration is required if you want your OHV to be “street legal.”
- The resident OHV decal must be applied to the upper left-hand corner of the license plate, and the license plate must be visibly displayed on the rear of the OHV.
- The non-resident OHV decal must be applied on the left rear-quarter panel of OHVs with three or more wheels, or on the left fork leg on two-wheeled vehicles. Follow the directions on the decal paperwork.
- The dollars collected through the purchase of the OHV decal are considered an OHV user fee and apply to all OHVs meeting the listed criteria.
Which vehicles must have an OHV decal?
- Any motor vehicle operated on unimproved roads, trails, and approved use areas not suitable for conventional two-wheel-drive vehicular travel is an OHV and must have a decal if it:
- Is designed by the manufacturer primarily for travel over unimproved terrain and…
- Has an unladen weight of 1,800 pounds or less.
- Pickup trucks, SUVs, cars, and other recreational vehicles are not required to (and cannot) obtain an OHV decal.
How do I obtain the OHV decal?
- You must pay the required user fee.
- The resident OHV decal is available for purchase online, at a Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) office, or from an authorized third-party service provider.
- The non-resident OHV decal can be purchased only online through the AZGFD portal account. It will not be sold in the AZGFD offices.
- The resident and non-resident OHV decals are valid for one year from the date of purchase. It is the OHV owner’s responsibility to purchase subsequent year decals.